Tento webinář proběhe v angličtině. / This webinar is held in english.
The webinar will present the results of a cost-benefit analysis of the implementation of persistent identifiers in the Czech Republic conducted by the MoreBrains Cooperative for the National Library of Technology. This analysis focuses on the added value and savings achievable from the adoption of PIDs, along with a national support for their implementation into information systems and workflows, in terms of efficiencies, savings, and other benefits to the research and innovation environment in the Czech Republic.
Benefits for attendees, what they will learn
Better understanding of the flow of research information in systems, and how persistent identifiers can be used to save people’s time and make aspects of research and research support work more efficient and less burdensome. Information about the currently available and future planned national support for the adoption of persistent identifiers in the Czech Republic.
intermediate, advanced
Basic awareness of the existence and functioning of persistent identifiers in research processes, Open Science principles. https://identifikatory.cz/cs/identifikatory/
Josh Brown (MoreBrains Cooperative)
As MoreBrain’s lead on strategy and research, Josh Brown is uniquely well-placed to draw on his decade-and-a-half experience of leadership in open research infrastructures, programme management, and community of practice development. He brings deep knowledge of the global research ecosystem, along with many strong and positive relationships worldwide — including with institutions, funders, publishers, infrastructure providers, and more.
Phill Jones (MoreBrains Cooperative)
As MoreBrains’ lead for digital and technology, Phill Jones weaves his expertise in analytics and bibliometrics platforms and cutting-edge information products with his sector understanding and experience in stakeholder management to ensure a match between the technological, business, and community needs of our clients.
Hana Heringová (National Library of Technology)
Hana Heringová leads the National Centre for Persistent Identifiers, which has been operating under the Centre for Repositories and Metadata Management in the National Library of Technology since 2023. She is co-chair of the National PIDs Strategy Interest Group under the Research Data Alliance and co-chair of the Engagement Expert Group for the EMEA region of DataCite.